The lessor 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. leased the vehicle defined in this lease agreement (to be specified as "vehicle" and/or "vehicle" in this agreement) to the TENANT whose name and address are mentioned in the agreement. 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. will be referred to as 3RED in this contract.
    1. This 'General Rental Conditions' (Briefly 'Contract') is an annex and an integral part of the Vehicle Delivery Form and Rental Agreement ('Form' for Short) signed between the parties. The owner or business owner of the lessor (3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ) leased the vehicle defined in this Form (to be specified as "vehicle" and/or "vehicle" in this agreement) on the specified dates, to the TENANT whose name and address are mentioned in the contract. The TENANT declares and undertakes to use the vehicle subject to this contract in accordance with the conditions (rental period, return time, return station, etc.), to pay the rental fee and the costs of the additional services purchased in full and on time. By signing this contract, the TENANT assumes all obligations regarding the leased property. The TENANT accepts, declares and undertakes in advance that he will not refrain from signing the Vehicle Delivery Forms to be drawn up during the delivery and return of the vehicle, and that if he does not sign the forms, he will be deemed to have unconditionally accepted what is written on the form. All notifications made to the address declared by the TENANT on the contract will be considered valid.

    2. THE TENANT shall return and deliver the vehicle, spare wheel, all tires, documents belonging to the vehicle, accessories and equipment, as well as in the city where the vehicle is rented or to the location specified in the contract, on the specified day and time. For all extensions will apply 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ written approval. In extensions made without approval, it has been accepted by the parties that the TENANT has unlawfully confiscated the vehicle. The TENANT can buy baby seats, seat boosters, snow tires, snow chains, additional packages, etc. for the rented vehicle.
If he/she requests additional services, he/she is obliged to pay the additional fee.

        • In the transportation of passengers or goods in return for an explicit or hidden income,
        • Pushing or pulling any vehicle or trailer,
        • In the transport of substances contrary to customs legislation and other laws, or in other illegal works,
        • By a person who has consumed alcohol or drugs, or by a driver who is not specified as an additional driver,
        • In the transport of passengers above the number of passengers determined by the traffic rules,
        • In motor sports (including racing, speed determination, rally, endurance and speed trials),
        • In the transport of cargo/goods that will damage the vehicle and exceed the loading limit,
        • Taking into account the brand and model of the vehicles, in places and conditions (land, mountainous. terrain, sand, swamp, stream bed, etc.) that are not suitable for the purpose of renting, and in places and roads that are not suitable for their technical structure and endurance other than their purpose, in short, unusual and traffic jams. in unsuitable road conditions.
        • It will be used by the TENANT and/or the additional driver specified in the contract, who has a valid driver's license for at least 2 or 3 years, depending on the condition and group of the vehicle. Depending on the driver's license status (in case of being a candidate driver, etc.), 3RED will be able to collect additional security fees and/or additional security fees to the rental price from the TENANT. The TENANT accepts and undertakes that he/she knows and approves this situation. In case the driver's license of the TENANT and/or the additional driver is cancelled, the driver is obliged to return the vehicle immediately. Otherwise, all judicial and administrative sanctions etc. will be responsible for all damages.
    • The vehicle can also be used by persons (additional driver/drivers) whose name/names are registered on the contract at the beginning of the lease by the TENANT and who comply with the driver-related conditions defined in article above.
    • The TENANT is obliged to ensure that the person (additional driver) authorized to use the rented vehicle complies with all the conditions of this contract. Otherwise, the TENANT is fully responsible for all consequences that may arise.
    4-1. The TENANT, the vehicle in his possession, in perfect condition with five tires, provided that the conditions to be explained in detail are complied with, the relevant document, (traffic license, maps, etc.) and all accessories intact, on the day and time written in the contract of receipt, on the contrary, on the day and time. TENANT has accepted that if an agreement is not reached, he will return it where he took it.
    4-2. At the time of issuance of the contract, the TENANT must be 21 years old and present a domestic or international driver's license for at least two years. The tenant cannot have the vehicle used by third parties without the approval of 3RED TURiZM TİC. LTD.ŞTİ. The use of the vehicle by third parties other than the tenant is only possible if 3RED records the information regarding the identity, address and driver's license of these persons in the contract and obtains their signatures. All insurances are void in case of possible accident, penalty and damage due to the use of the vehicle by persons who are not registered and signed in the contract, and the TENANT and the third party using the vehicle are jointly responsible for all material and moral damages that occur, and TENANT accept, agree and commits to pay in advance all costs that may arise and may arise.
    4-3.  The TENANT is obliged to keep the vehicle closed and locked in a way that ensures its safety. In the event of theft, the TENANT is obliged to pay the amount of time that will pass until the vehicle is found, based on the daily rental price specified inithe rental brochure.
    4-4. If the TENANT does not return the official documents (license, key, license plate and plate holder, etc.) of the vehicle at the time of delivery of the vehicle to 3RED, he/she will pay the rent and the additional services he has purchased until he finds and brings them back, as well as the replaceme  of the new ones in case of loss. It is obliged to pay the expenses to be made for the purchase as included 25% service fee + VAT.
    4-5. If the vehicle is confiscated or confiscated by the competent authorities due to the fault of the TENANT due to any event, the expenses related to.any attempt to be made to be taken back will be invoiced to the TENANT as together with 25% service fee+ VAT, and all costs belong to the TENANT. The  TENANT is obliged to pay the rent of the days that will pass
during this period and the additional services he/she has received/purchased, together with the datly costs. The TENANT declares, accepts and undertakes in advance that he/she will pay all these without objection.
4-6. TENANT has to inform 3RED immediately if a vehicle gives a vehicle maintenance warning during the usage period. The costs of repair, spare part and tire replacement that arised due to natural use are covered by 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. On the other hand, if the vehicle cannot move as a result of unusual use or accident, repair, spare parts and tire replacement, damage and damages due to freezing, and similar events, the transportation expenses made to bring the vehicle to the rented place belong to the TENANT. It will be invoiced to the TENANT as included 25% service fee+ VAT. 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. will be able to collect cost of the day offs of the vehicle at the rental fee of the vehicle from the required rental tariff together with the daily costs of the additional services purchased by the TENANT.
4-7. Repairs made without the knowledge and approval of 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ.; 3RED has the right to demand compensation from the TENANT, the cost of depreciation of the vehicle and/or the original price of the replaced or repaired part, together with 25% service fee+ VAT. The TENANT accepts, declares and undertakes in advance that he/she will pay all these costs.

    4-8. All fuel, AdBlue, parking lot, HGS, OGS, highway, bridge etc. of the vehicle. tolls, traffic fines, interest and fees belong to the TENANT and these fees will be invoiced to the TENANT as included 25% service fee+ VAT by 3RED. Even if the rental period expires, the TENANT is responsible for all kinds of penalties within the rental period that will come within 2 years. Even if the penalty receipt is written only on the license plate number without a name and signature, the TENANT agrees to pay the current penalty.
    4-9. The penalty receipts received by 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. such as parking lot, HGS, OGS, highway, bridge etc. to be arranged for the vehicle within the rental period, regarding tolls and traffic fines; the amount is paid by 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. and if any, delay interest will be invoiced to the TENANT by adding 25% service fee+ VAT, and will be collected from the TENANT via cash, credit card, mail order or virtual pos.
    4-10. TENANT cannot request early payment discount and/or any discount for traffic fines and/or other fees. Even if the lease term and these general conditions and the contract have expired, the TENANT is responsible for these amounts within 
2 years after the expiry of the contract.
    4-11. TENANT, cannot demand objections to the tolls and traffic fines such as parking lot, HGS, OGS, highway, bridge etc. from 3RED and TENANT cannot avoid paying fines since 3RED does not object. Besides 3RED is authorized to collect tolls traffic fines, parking lot, HGS, OGS, highway, bridge etc and interests together with 25% service fee
+VAT by deducting it from the credit card and/or guarantee of the TENANT without waiting
for the end of the rental period and without the need for any permission, judgment and notification.    
    4-12. 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ's authority is not limited to the contract period, even if the contract has expired, 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ is authorized to deduct tolls
traffic fines, parking lot, HGS, OGS, highway, bridge etc interest and ancillary togethe; with 25% service fee+ VAT from the credit card and/or guarantee of the TENANT without need
any permission, judgment or notification. TENANT accepts and undertakes the authority of 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. in advance.
    4-13. The TENANT is responsible for any liability arising from the loss,or damage of any forgotten or transported goods or property left in the vehicle during the rental period or before or after the vehicle is returned to 3RED, including the costs related to these. TENANT accepts and declares in advance that 3RED has no material or moral liability.
    4-14. Daily rent is for 24 hours. Weekly or monthly rental period is calculated over 7 days and 30 days. In case of possible delays:
        • In case of a delay of I hour or more (up to the 2nd hour), 1 /3 of the current car rental price and the daily cost of the additional services purchased,
        • In case of delay of 2 hours or more (up to the 3rd hour), 2/3 of the current car rental price and the daily cost of the additional services purchased,
        • In case of a delay of 3 hours or more, the collection of the daily rental fee valid on the relevant day and the daily cost of the additional services purchased will be made from the credit card by adding into contract. The TENANT accepts, declares and undertakes the collection in advance.
    4-15. 3RED may refrain from taking the vehicle back and rescinding the contract at any time or extending it without having to show a reason and pay compensation. In unilateral termination, the 3RED may request compensation for the remaining loss in the remaining period, the daily costs of the additional packages he/she has purchased, together with a 25% service fee+ VAT from the TENANT.

    4-16. Any addition is void unless agreed in writing between the parties.
    4-17.  In any case, the TENANT and 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. is obliged to provide each other with the necessary convenience in the follow-up of their compensation rights against third parties, to give power of attorney to each other in proportion to their rights and to provide the rights of litigation, and the trial expenses will be made at this rate.
    4-18. With the title of "operator" defined in the laws regarding the vehicle, all debts and liabilities related to the "Vehicle Operator Responsibility belong to the TENANT, and the TENANT shall stand alone and responsible from all material and moral damages the vehicle caused to third parties and/or to the motor vehicles and/or to the environment.". For this reason, the TENANT shall indemnify all the damages that 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. will have to pay, together with 25% service fee+ VAT. Even if the rental period and the General Conditions have expired, the TENANT will continue to be responsible for the damages that occur during the rental period.
    4-19. There is a vehicle tracking system in the vehicle rented by the TENANT, and can be tracked by 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ.
tracked location and km information can be recorded and these records can be disclosed to relevant official or unofficial third parties/institutions when necessary for security reasons or to be used in legal, judicial / administrative proceedings / investigations.
    4-20. The TENANT irrevocably accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she is aware of the geographical location identification systems, including but not limited to the vehicle tracking system, in the vehicle/s rented pursuant to this Agreement.
    4-21. fn case  of dismantlin , damaging, etc. of the tracking device in the vehicle/s, 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. will invoice the TENANT for the cost of the new device and/or the costs and losses incurred for re-installing the device as 25% service fee+ VAT. The
TENANT accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she is obliged to pay this price. 
    4-22. In case the device is disassembled, 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. has the right to terminate the contract of the vehicle unilaterally. In such a case, the TENANT accept ,. declares and undertakes in advance that he/she will not demand a refund for the remaining days and the additional services he/she has received.
    4-23. The TENANT can ot in any way transfer, pledge, assign or pledge the rights arising from this contract, or the vehicle and the equipment and materials in it, and cannot use them in a way that will harm 3RED. In case of violation of this commitment, , 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. has a right to demand the return of the vehicle Immediately without any refund. 3RED reserves all the right to collect the damages arising from the situation as 25% service fee+ VAT from the TENANT.
    4-24. The TENANT is obliged to use the vehicle in accordance with the mileage limitation specified below according to the vehicle groups. In the event that the specified mileage limit is exceeded, the TENANT. accepts, declares and undertakes in advance to pay the mileage exceeding fee, which varies according to the vehicle class.
    4-25. The daily rental fee and/or mileage fee to be calculated according to the amounts specified on the contract for the day the vehicle is used and/or the distance traveled during the rental period is determined by reading the mileage clock put by the manufacturer on the vehicl. In case the odometer is broken, the mileage fee is determined by calculating the distance travelled on the map and/or the distance covered by the tracking device.
Economy (Citrroen C3 m/t, Renault Clio hatchback m/t, Fiat Egea hb. m/t, Dacia Stepway m/t, Opel Corsa m/t, etc.) 500 KM per day, a total of 3500 KM for 7 days or more rentals, 3000 KM for monthly rentals

Economy Plus (Citroen C3 o/t, Renault Clio hb. o/t, Fiat Egea Cross o/t, Opel Corsa o/t, Ford Fiesta o/t, Dacia Stepway o/t etc.) 500 KM per day, a total of 3500 KM for 7 days or more rentals, 3000 KM for monthly rentals
Economy Sedan (Fiat Egea sedan m/t, Renault Taliand sedan m/t, Citroen C-Elysee sedan m/t, Peugeot 301 sedan m/t,.etc.) 500 KM per day, a total of 3500 KM for 7 days or more rentals, 3000 KM in monthly rentals
Economy Sedan Plus (Fiat Egea sedan o/t, Renault Taliand sedan o/t, Citroen C-Elysee
sedan o/t, Peugeot 301 sedan o/t, etc.) 500 KM per day, a total of 3500 KM for 7 days or more rentals, 3000 KM for monthly rentals
Comfort (Ford Focus hb/sedan m/t, Renault Megane hb/sedan mft, Opel Astra hb/sedan m/t, Alfa Romeo hb/sedan m/t, Toyota Corolla hb/sedan m/t etc.) 400 KM per day, a total of 3250 KM for 7 days or more rentals, 3000 KM for monthly rentals
Comfort Plus (Ford Focus hb/sedan oft, Renault Megane hb/sedan oft, Opel Astra hb/sedan o/t, Alfa Romeo hb/sedan oft, Toyota Corolla hb/sedan o/t etc.) 400 KM per day, a total of 3250 KM for 7 days or more rentals, 3000 KM for monthly rentals
Prestige (Opel Insignia o/t, Skoda Superb o/t, Peugeot 508 o/t, Volkswagen Passat o/t etc.) 350 KM per day, a total of 2750 KM for 7 days or more rentals, 2500 KM for monthly rentals
Luxury (Audi A3 hb/sedan, BMW 2.18, Mercedes CLA etc.) 250 KM per day, a total of 2250 KM for 7 days or more rentals, 2000 KM for monthly rentals
Premium (BMW 3.20, Mercedes C-180, Mercedes C-200, Volvo s60 etc.) 250 KM per daya total of 2250 KM for 7 days or more rentals, 2000 KM for monthly rentals
Premium Plus (BMW 5.20, Mercedes E-180, Volvo s90 etc.) 250 KM per day, a total of 2250 KM for 7 days or more rentals, 2000 KM for monthly rentals
Crossover (Dacia Duster, Citroen C3 Aircross, Citroen C4 Aircross, Peugeot 2008, Ford Puma, Opel Crossland, Ford Ecosport) 350 KM per day, a total of 2750 KM for 7 days or: more rentals, 2500 KM for monthly rentals
SUV (Citroen C5, Ford Kuga, Peugeot 3008, Nissan Qashqai, Opel Grandland) 300 KM per day, a total of2500 KM for 7 days or more rentals, 2250 KM for monthly rentals
KM Excess Fees;
Economy: 2 TL+ VAT Economy Plus : 2 TL+ VAT Economy Sedan : 2 TL + VAT
Economy Sedan Plus: 2 TL+ VAT Comfort: 2.5 TL + VAT Comfort Plus: 2.5 TL+ VAT
Prestige : 3 TL + VAT Luxury: 4 TL+ VAT Premium : 5 TL+ VAT Premium Plus: 6 TL+ VAT Crossover: 3 TL + VAT SUV: 4 TL+ VAT
    4-26. The TENANT is obliged to return the AdBlue and fuel available in the vehicle's tank during the rental as it is received. In the event that the TENANT delivers AdBlue and fuel incompletely, the amount of loss determined by calculating the missing fuel price over the current pump price is invoiced to the TENANT exactly. In this case, the TENANT is also obliged to pay the 25% service fee and the related VAT amount to 3RED, up to the rate specified in the vehicle delivery form of the loss amount.
    4-27. Even if the damage is detected after the vehicle is returned, the TENANT is responsible for the damage that will occur due to this reason. 3RED is authorized to collect this loss amount and 25% service fee, including VAT, from the TENANT's credit card, without the need for any permission, notification or provision, without being limited to the term of the contract.

    5-1. During the issuance of the contract, 3RED takes 25% more of the approximate rent and km amount (min. 200 €, max. 1000 €, depending on the vehicle group) from the TENANT as a rental deposit, according to the current tariff at that time. 
The final calculation result is determined at the end of the lease. The basis for payment is Turkish Lira. It can be paid in cash, 
in foreign currency to be calculated at the official rate. Apart from these, valid credit cards are treated like cash if they do not exceed the validity limit.
    5-2. 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. when deemed necessary, may accept one of the foreign currencies as a base and make calculations without prior notice. The TENANT may extend the rental period if 3RED gives written approval, by giving 48 hours notice and adding the required amount of the deposit.
    5-3. The TENANT maket the payments as determined 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. 3RED requests that the rental fee be paid in advance. The TENANT declares that if the rent, general conditions, other costs within the scope of the vehicle delivery form and legal payments are not paid in full and on time, all the amount will be due from the invoice date without the need for any warning or notice, and that all du receivabl will be paid by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey as of the invoice date. accepts, declares and undertakes to pay together with the default interest that will be twice the interest rate.
    5-4. 3RED’ rights to terminate the lease agreement and general conditions unilaterally is reserved.

    6-1. 3RED has insured its vehicles with compulsory liability insurance in accordance with the highway traffic law. 
It is at the discretion of the lessor to take out motor own damage or precautionary liability insurance. In case of any accident or damage, the TENANT's ability to benefit from the insurance depends on the fulfillment of the following conditions.
    6-2. In cases where it is stated that it is caused by the one-sided fault of the TENANT, losses
and damages are not covered by the insurance.
    6-3. In case of damage to the vehicle given to the TENANT, 5% of the damage is also collected from the TENANT as a damage tracking fee.
    6-4. An accident report and determination memorandum, witness name and address, similar within the city limits, the local police station, the gendarmerie outside the city, etc.) is obliged to submit and notify 3RED within 48 hours at the latest. If the TENANT does not bring the accident reports within 48 hours, he/she is fully liable for the damage. Agreement report, determination memorandum and declaration are not covered by insurance.
    6-5. If the TENANT does not have an obstructive condition determined by a doctor's report, it is necessary to inform 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. immediately. The TENANT will not interfere with the damaged vehicle, but will take it under protection. Loss of some things from the vehicle is under the compensation responsibility of the TENANT.
    6-6. The damages will be collected from the insurance company by 3RED in case of accident or damage to third parties. The TENANT is responsible for the damages exceeding the amount collected from the insurance or the compensations that 3RED has to pay through recourse.
    6-7. The moral demands of the accident victims and their relatives are met by the TENANT. The tenant's recourse is reserved.
    6-8. All insurances are valid for the period specified in the rental agreement.
    6-9. The TENANT is directly responsible for accidents caused by a driver who is under the influence of alcohol and drugs or who does not have a valid driving license, and for accidents arising from or caused by the goods transported.
    6-10. The TENANT is liable without objection for any material and moral damage to the vehicle as a result of all kinds of accidents.
    6-11. 3RED, which cannot  benefit partially or at all from insurance compensation due to all kids of acts and omissions that are not attributable to it, has the right to claim from the TENAT for the damage and loss of work of the vehicle. The compensation for the vehicle's layoff is calculated based on the daily rental price of 3RED specified in the brochure for that period.
    6-12. This contract is 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. It is applied before all other contracts or protocols concluded or to be concluded between and the TENANT. In cases where there is no provision in this contract, the other contract becomes effective.
    6-13. In case of damage to the vehicles, 3RED is obliged to pay the material dama es in amounts varying according to the vehicle group. Damage and loss up to 5% of the vehicle price is excluded from the coverage and belongs to the TENANT. While the exemption accident insurance applied in each car rental varies according to the vehicle groups, in cases of damage and loss of minimum 200 € - maximum 1000 € and above, on the condition of submitting a traffic and alcohol report, it covers material damages within the insurance limits in amounts varying according to the vehicle group.
    6-14. Damages and losses up to a minimum of 200 € and a maximum of 1000 €, depending on the vehicle group, 
are excluded from the coverage.
    6-15. TENANT and additional driver/s are obliged to fulfill the following measures in case of an accident;
        • To inform 3RED immediately by calling the hotline numbered +90 538 030 61 10 / +90 535 250 97 07
        • To obtain an alcohol report together with the accident, damage, theft, loss detection report by applying to the nearest Police or Gendarmerie center after turning the ignition off and without moving the vehicle,
        • Taking photos of the vehicle at the scene of the accident and sending it to 3RED immediately,
        • Receiving the names and addresses of relevant persons and witnesses,
        • Not accepting non-existing fault responsibility,
        • In case of bilateral accidents, copies of the parties' driver's license, license and traffic insurance policies, where this is not possible, the driver's license number, the province where it was issued, the title of the insurance company where the traffic insurance policy was made, and policy numbers, etc. informations must be gotten,
        • Not leaving the vehicle without taking adequate safety precautions,
        • Send the accident notification and the originals of the relevant minutes and reports to the 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. within 48 hours at the latest after the accident time,
        • In the event of an accident that results in material, mortal and/or bodily harm, immediately notify the nearest police or gendarmerie officers and/or relevant official authorities,
    6-16. In case of damage or accident to the vehicle, the TENANT is obliged to pay the daily rental fee for the number of days the vehicle has been in the service and the daily costs of the additional services, if any. 3RED reserves the right to demand 25% service fee+ VAT.
    6-17. 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. reserves the right to demand this price from the TENANT with interest and fees, in case of loss of value due to the parts changed or repaired after the accident. The TENANT declares, accepts and undertakes in advance to pay the loss of value in the vehicle as a result of the accident, with interest and fees.

    7-1. If the TENANT wishes to return the rented vehicle early, no refund will be made. In this case, 3RED has the right to demand the awards and services also campaigns etc
 deserved by taking advantage of the advantages, daily costs of additional services, discounts and/or the price of these.
    7-2.  3RED will not be obliged to keep the vehicle that is not picked up during the reservation/ rental period for which the price is paid in advance. If the vehicle that is not received on time is requested to be picked up at any time during the reservation period, whether 3RED meets this request depends on the current vehicle situation and cannot be compelled to supply 3RED vehicles.
    7-3. 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. reserves the right to request a Findeks report from the TENANT.
    7-4. 3RED has the right not to provide vehicles to drivers whose Findeks report is not sufficient, and is not obliged to refund the rental price and additional services received, even if the prepayment and/or full amount of the rental has been paid in advance, and it has the right to invoice the TENANT as %25 service fee+ VAT for the loss arising from this reason. The TENANT accepts, declares and undertakes in advance that he/she knows all these conditions and will pay the amount to be invoiced if necessary.
    7-5. No advance reservations are made for rentals under 7 days. In order to confirm the reservation, a prepayment of minimum 50% of the total rental a,nd additional services cost is required.
    7-6. In case of cancellation of the reservation, no refund will be made and 3RED has the right to collect the loss arising from the cancellation from the TENANT with 25% service fee+ VAT. The TENANT declares, accepts and undertakes to pay these fees in advance.
    7-7. If the vehicle is not picked up at the pick-up time specified in the reservation, the vehicle will switch to No-show status after 2 hours and no vehicle from any group can be guaranteed. No-show reservation will be canceled after 4 hours. There are no refunds for rental and additional packages of vehicles that are not picked up on time.
    7-8. It is forbidden to smoke, transport the pets, the fuel in the vehicle/s. TENANT who smokes in the vehicle, transports pets or fuel and delivers the vehicle as dirty in a situation that cannot be cleaned by us, odor-causing beverages and/or any beverage that will arise due to spillage such as milk on the seats, etc; the detailed cleaning, ozone cleaning, etc and all costs will be invoiced to the TENANT together with 25% service fee+ VAT and indemnified from the TENANT. The TENANT agrees, declares and undertakes to pay all these fees in advance.
    7-9. The TENANT delivers the vehicle, spare wheel, all tires, documents belonging to the vehicle, accessories, additional products and equipment, as well as the tools, to the return address of 3RED, on the return day and time specified on the front page of the car rental agreement, as completely and undamaged. In the event that the return and deliver of the vehicle to an address other than the addresses with the written approval of 3RED, the TENANT will pay the one-way fee determined by 3RED for returning of the vehicle, together with 25% service fee+ VAT.
    7.10. The TENANT has to deliver the vehicle documents, keys, accessories, tool holders, key nngs and plate holders, as well as additional products and equipment undamaged and complete, as received. The TENANT is responsible for the deficiencies detected during the return of the vehicle and any damage and loss that occurred outside of normal use, and the TENANT is obliged to immediately pay the amount to be determined by 3RED, together with 25% service fee+ VAT. In addition, 3RED has the right to inspect the damage and deficiencies in the vehicle in detail within 30 days from the delivery date and notify the TENANT. The TENANT will be responsible for all kinds of damages and losses incurred on the vehicles outside of normal use, and these losses will be invoiced to the TENANT together with 25% service fee + VAT. The TENANT accepts, declares and undertakes to pay these amounts in advance.   

    7-11. The TENANT shall apply for the written approval of 3RED for all extensions and will receive the written approval of 3RED. In the extensions made without written approval, it has been accepted by the parties that the TENANT has unlawfully held the vehicle.
    7-12. Failure of the TENANT to comply with any article of these general conditions, especially in case of not delivering the vehicle to 3RED TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. Ti at the specified time; the TENANT authorizes 3RED to immediately take back and seize the vehicle, regardless of where it is, without the need for prior warning, permission or judgment. TENANT accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she will not claim any rights from 3RED for this reason and waives all lawsuits, complaints and other rights.
    7-13. The TENANT is obliged to pay any damage and expenses together with 25% service fee + VAT that may occur during the take-back/confiscation of the vehicle that 3RED paid. 3RED is not responsible for the loss or damage of objects or items in the vehicle during the recovery/ confiscation of the vehicle.
    7-14. Even if 3RED has collected the rental fee for the delay period, it cannot be interpreted as an extension of the rental period or an indefinite period.

    8-1. 3RED, if it deems necessary, has the right to terminate this contract unilaterally and without compensation, without giving any reason, without any notice, warning or judgment during the rental period.
    8.2. In th ev nt that the TENANT does not comply with the general conditions and any or all of it’s obligations and commitments in this car rental agreement, 3RED has the right to terminate general conditions unilaterally and without compensation, without any notice, warning or provision.

Turkish Law will be applied in all disputes that may arise between these general conditions and the parties. Fethiye Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorized to resolve disputes.